Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Behavior for Journal of Psychology- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Journal of Psychology. Answer: Introduction Organizational behavior signifies the way in which the members of an organization interact with each other. It defines the behavioral pattern of the organizational members within an organizational context (Kehoe and Wright 2013). This study will demonstrate the circumstances, where attitude determines the behavior of the organizational members at their workplace. The study will also examine the known factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Apart from that, the study will also assess the extent to which organizational members should care about the organizational commitment level of the employees. Discussion Attitude refers to the way people think or feel about something or someone. Work Attitude refers to the set of evaluation regarding peoples job, which frames their belief about, feelings towards and attachment to their jobs. The attitude of the employees can have both positive as well as negative effect on their behavior at their workplace. Barrick, Mount and Li (2013) pointed out that the employees having positive attitude on their job and their colleagues can have positive influence on their surrounding people. On the other hand, the employees having negative attitude mostly have negative influence on their surrounding people at their workplace. The impact of attitude on the behavior of the employees can be specifically measured through assessing the average behavior of the employees rather than their isolate behavior. According to Bissing?Olson et al. (2013), cognitive dissonance is the feelings of uncomfortable tension in mind due to involvement of two conflicting attitude, behaviors and beliefs. It requires alternation of the one of the attitudes or behaviors for reducing the discomfort in mind. In such situation, alteration of attitude or behavior causes cognitive dissonance. On the other hand, Loi, Chan and Lam (2014) stated that self fulfilling prophecy is the prediction, which directly or indirectly causes itself towards becoming true. In this process, the employees try to convert their attitude in reality. Moreover, such situation leads the attitude of the employees towards determining their behavior in real situation. Attitudes are more likely to share the behavior of the employees, when the attitudes are highly potent. It often indicates the mindless reaction, which can be adaptable in all types of situations. It frees employees mind through indicating specific behavior in some specific w ork situation. Attitude is highly important within a person, which helps that person towards dealing with the highs and lows in his/her life. As per Barrick et al. (2015), living joyful life and getting great accomplishment in life requires positive attitude towards effectively dealing with the difficulties in life. Attitude shapes the employee behavior within the workplace, which actually have huge influence on the organizational culture. Therefore, it can be said that positive attitude assists the employees in building collaborative and warm relationship with their co-workers. Furthermore, Maynard and Parfyonova (2013) stated that positive attitude within the employees facilitates them to be more encouraged towards enhancing their overall productivity. Right and positive attitude of the employees helps in gaining positive personal experience for the employees and they can better interact with other for handling complex business problems effectively. The employees having positive attitude can see things positively and better lead other employees towards extracting best out of them. Right attitude makes the employees able to see the big perspective behind any specific job. Moreover, positive attitude enhances the power of visualization of the employees, which enhances their forecasting power regarding future prospect of the business. The employees having positive attitude love to bring creativity in business, which fosters innovation within the business. Furthermore, Hlsheger et al. (2013) opined that the employees having right attitude are highly capable of developing innovating ideas and coming up with more creative solution for solving complex organizational problems. On the contrary, Rayton and Yalabik (2014) pointed out that negative attitude within the employees restrict their creativity power, as they are not encouraged towards contributing in organizational success. In this way, proper attitude within the persons direct them towards their success in life. Moreover, positive attitude with the employees enhances their determination level, which makes them capable of dealing with complex challenges and gaining better career development in life. Job satisfaction refers to the level of enjoyment or fulfillment, which an employee feels regarding his/her job. Job satisfaction can also define the positive emotional attachment of the employees with their jobs. It actually acts as motivator for the employees towards enhancing their performance. On the contrary, organizational commitment refers to the bonding of the employees, which the employees feel with their organization. Committed employees are more prone to demonstrate greater connection with their organizations. Satisfied employees are generally more loyal and committed towards the success of their organization. However, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees depend on several factors. Ngo et al. (2013) pointed out that payment is the prime factor, which is highly responsible for the satisfaction level of the employees. Adequate and fair amount of payment offered to the employees encourage them towards long term continuation of their job with their organization. Moreover, fair payment actually drives organizational commitment of the employees with their organizations. On the other hand, Bagger and Li (2014) opined that effective working condition enhances the job satisfaction and organizational commitment level of the employees with their organizations. Moreover, the employees should be provided with flexible working condition, where job stress and work overload is less. Such working condition can enhance the satisfaction level of the employees, which also indirectly enhances their organizational commitment level. Furthermore, Jensen, Patel and Messersmith (2013) pointed out that collaborative working relationship and respect from the co-workers meets the social needs of the employees within their workplace. Therefore, collaborative working relationship enhances the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees. Furthermore, effective bonding with the colleagues also enhances the attachment level of the employees with their organizations. According to Maynard and Parfyonova (2013), relationship with the supervisors also plays an important role in enhancing the satisfaction level of the employees. Moreover, the employees are highly prone to show their commitment with their organization, when they avail adequate support from their supervisors. Collaborative relationship with the supervisors enhances their bonding with their organization. Furthermore, the scope of career advancement can also encourage the employees towards serving long term in their organization. Moreover, the scope of career progression actually enhances the satisfaction and commitment level of the employees (Tschopp, Grote and Gerber 2014). Organizational commitment defines the psychological bonding or attachment of the employees, which they feel about their organization. Employees are actually committed with their organizations, when the employers are capable of meeting all their needs and demands. Committed employees feel high level of bonding and connection with their organization. They are more prone to show their determination towards achieving organizational success. Rayton and Yalabik (2014) pointed out that committed employees are extremely serious and feel high level of involvement with the organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, such employees can provide more production than other employees and apply work efficiencies in their job role for ensuring organizational success. Therefore, the managers of an organization should always make sure that their employees are actually committed in their organization. On the other hand, Barrick et al. (2015) stated that committed employees are highly encouraged towards applying their efficiency level in achieving organizational success. Therefore, the managers should obviously assure that the employees are highly committed with their organization. As per Kehoe and Wright (2013), committed employees are extremely loyal with their organizations and they are less likely to leave from their existing organization, even if they are offered with grater job opportunities or salary package. Positive psychological bonding binds the employees with their organization for longer time. In this way, organizational commitment actually reduces employee turnover rate and enhances employee retention level. Therefore, the managers of an organization should make sure about the commitment level of the employees. Loi, Chan and Lam (2014) opined that committed employees are highly prone towards fostering encouraging working environment with their organization. Therefore, the organizational managers should seriously look after the commitment level of the employees. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that positive attitude encourages an employee towards being more enthusiastic on the organizational goals. Positive attitude also encourages the employees in creating positive work environment, which also motivates others in enhancing their overall productivity. Right attitude always enables the employees towards creating innovative ideas, which fosters organizational uniqueness. There are several factors, which foster the job satisfaction and organizational commitment level of the employees. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees are primarily dependent on fair salary package offered to them. Furthermore, encouraging working condition having less job stress and reduced workloads enhances the satisfaction level of the employees. Apart from that, supportive and collaborative working environment reduced the job stress level of the employees and enhance their satisfaction and commitment level. Furthermore, the employees are highly committed towards demonstrating their commitment to their organization, when they can get any scope for career advancement. Committed employees are less likely to leave their organizations and foster positive working environment. Therefore, the managers of organizations should always make sure that the employees are highly committed with their organization. Reference List Bagger, J. and Li, A., 2014. How does supervisory family support influence employees attitudes and behaviors? A social exchange perspective.Journal of Management,40(4), pp.1123-1150. Barrick, M.R., Mount, M.K. and Li, N., 2013. The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics.Academy of management review,38(1), pp.132-153. 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